Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1639 Words

The Importance of Intentions By the standards of virtually any society, lying is an act that is almost certain to result in some form of contempt, hatred, or even ostracism. However, not all liars are regarded in the same way- there is an obvious difference of morality between a fraudulent politician and one lying to protect his own life. In his play The Crucible, Arthur Miller demonstrates the moral and societal differences between and consequences of different types of lies: A liar’s virtue is determined primarily by intention, and while some forms of dishonesty are more acceptable than others, truth under all circumstances is vital to true morality. Miller’s stance is a rational and realistic one and can be seen not only in his play,†¦show more content†¦Then, caught by her father in the unspeakable act of dancing in the woods, Abigail resorts to claiming to being possessed by the Devil through means of Tituba, and then to â€Å"open herself† and â€Å"go back to Jesus† (4 8), significantly increasing the number of witchcraft accusations because of all the people she and Betty claim to have seen with the Devil- more than ten accused on just the last page on Act I. By the end of the play, she is responsible for countless people, even those that held their ground for so long, confessing to witchcraft. Those aware of the horrendous truth- Goody Proctor, John Proctor, Reverend Hale- hate her but are helpless as to take any action. The reader comes to despise her and her lies even more when people are not only wrongly charged with crime, but also when the admirable Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor must face their death because of the standards that Abigail has set. Lying to protect reputation is also a common theme seen in politics. One especially controversial instance was President Nixon’s Watergate Scandal: Nixon employed the FBI, CIA, and IRS to harass and spy on political rivals, going so far as to order break-ins to acquire secret information. After the scandal had been partially uncovered, Nixon publicly announced that investigations were being made although he had actually blocked any such activity from happening.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Factors Militating Against the Implementation of Early...

Introduction The early childhood education is a field that has been rather slow to take up the challenge of sustainability; it has a potentially significant role to play not because of underlying concerns for children’s welfare, but because of interest in children’s environments and its attention to social justice. Recently, a new dimension has been added to early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS) as an emerging national and international field, given a fillip with the launch of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) (UNESCO, 2005). Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ECEfS) recognizes that young children have capacities to be active agents of change now, as well as in†¦show more content†¦In his book The Great Didactic (1657) he introduced what is now considered one of the first descriptions of an educational system tailored for young children. In Comenius view learning through the senses was the best way to teach during early childhood. He believed that before reading about the object of study a child should first touch, see, taste or hear it. According to Comenius, there should not be any gender or social class discrimination in education. He paid specific attention to individual differences among children; he believed that a childs development depended on his or her natural inclinations and that one and the same method would not work with each child. Comenius system of education included four levels spanning from infancy to adulthood. Each level outlined the educational experience needed by a person at each stage of development. This idea was new and became the foundation of other scholars works on the concept of early childhood education. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed in education according to the ways of nature. He felt that education should be focused more on sensory and rational experiences than on literary and linguistic ones. One of Rousseaus most famous quotes pro claims that Our first teachers are our feet, our hands and our eyes. To substitute books for all these†¦is but to teach us to use the reasons of others. In his view education for young children

Friday, December 13, 2019

Discrimination in the Workplace Free Essays

Seaquist (2012) clearly states in the text ‘Business Law for Managers’ that nothing in the Constitution explicitly mentions discrimination, but it contains provisions that have been interpreted by the U. S. Supreme Court to grant rights that have to do with equal treatment under the law (Seaquist, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to Seaquist (2012) Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was enacted to remedy segregation and to outlaw discrimination of the underrepresented monitories in this country (Seaquist, 2012). Regardless to the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, discrimination still runs rapid in today’s society. While discrimination may not as it was in the late 1950s and 1960s with its bold and ugly face, it still exists today in a more subtle unnoticeable manner. How can discrimination still exist in a country that is so rich in culture, when this country has supposedly worked hard to rid all types of discrimination? No one can really answer this question without stepping on others beliefs and values. Yet, as an African American born in America, raised in the South, educated in the South and across the internet this author contents that discrimination in the work exist more today in more subtle ways than ever before. This author argues that discrimination still exist in society today, especially in the workplace and especially by those in higher positions. Due to the feelings of this author regarding discrimination is the reason for this paper, and is the reason why this paper will discuss the types of discrimination, the history of discrimination, the theories of discrimination, the legal, and the ethical responsibility of discrimination. II. Defining Discrimination From US Legal, Inc (2013) the definition of discrimination is nothing more than making a distinction for or against a person or thing based on group, class, or category to which a person or thing belongs to (US Legal, Inc. , 2013). Here US Legal, Inc. (2013) points out how discrimination can be the effect of some law or practice that bestow privileges on a certain class or denies privileges on a certain class because of race, age, sex, nationality, religion, or handicap (US Legal, Inc., 2013). Unlike US Legal, Inc., Business defines discrimination as the bias or prejudice resulting in denial of opportunity or unfair treatment regarding selection, promotion, or transfer; is practiced commonly on the grounds of age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political belief, race, religion, sex, etc. factors which are irrelevant to a person’s competence or suitability; unequal treatment, provided to one or more parties on the basis of a mutual accord or some other logical or illogical reason; and last, the differences in two rates not explainable or justifiable by economic consideration such as cost (Business Dictionary. com, n. d). Still, in the article ‘Rescuing the Concept of Discrimination’ by Crawford (2001) it claims that there are eight ways to define discrimination; beginning with (1) descriptive discrimination which is any different or unequal treatment and it describes what the speaker has in mind- (2) judgmental discrimination is any different or unequal treatment that is unjust, using this word, the speaker expresses his judgment that the action is wrong-(3) adverse discrimination is any different or unequal treatment, only when it is adverse; accordingly when not adverse, different or unequal treatment is not discrimination and assumes that unequal treatment can be favorable to one person without being unfavorable to another – (4) prejudice discrimination is any different or unequal treatment that is motivated by prejudice and has the advantage of freeing different treatment from the label of discrimination when it is prompted by a desire to promote the general welfare- (5) illegality discrimination is different or unequal treatment that is unlawful and can point to regulations, laws, or court decisions that arguably legalize unequal treatment based on race in the circumstances in which they practice it- (6) ideological discrimination is any different or unequal treatment that operate against people based on their membership in an oppressed, disadvantaged or underrepresented group – (7) dictionary definition of discrimination is any different or unequal treatment on a basis that disregards individual merit- and (8) proposed discrimination is any different or unequal treatment on a basis the speaker presumes to be ordinarily unjust (Crawford, 2001). Regardless to how discrimination broken down as or how it is being disguised, it all boils down to being unlawful acts of mistreatment of another person or group of people based on age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political belief, race, religion, or sex. III. Discrimination in the Workplace Types of discrimination In the text ‘Business Law for Managers’ by Seaquist (2012) it discusses the different types of discrimination and lists the types as: race, color, sex, sexual harassment religion and national origin (Seaquist, 2012). Crawford (2001) provided us with only eight different types of definitions defining discrimination that can easily be attached to any one of the types of discrimination that Seaquist (2012) lists in his discussion. As Crawford (2001) describes and discusses eight different types of definitions defining discrimination, in everyday life people seldom see or even experience many of these discriminating acts that Crawford talks about in his article. The everyday person who does experience discrimination, experience the type of discrimination that is defined by US Legal, Inc. (2013), Business Dictionary. com (n. d), and discussed by Seaquist (2012). Because everyday people experience the type of discrimination that US Legal, Inc. (2013), Business Dictionary. com (n. d), and Seaquist (2012) defines and describes, this section will only focused on two specific forms of discrimination which is gender and racial as it is the most offensive for this author. Gender discrimination Let us look at gender discrimination and defined as well as illustrate how gender discrimination often occur in more subtle ways in the workplace. According to US Legal, Inc. , gender discrimination is any action that specifically denies opportunities, privileges, or rewards to a person or a group because of gender (US Legal, Inc. , 2013) Although, Gender Discrimination – Further Readings (n.d) also defines gender discrimination as the unequal treatment of a person based solely on that person’s sex (Gender Discrimination-Further Readings, n. d). For example, a recent opening in management occurs at Murdoch Developmental Center. A white male and black female applicant in the organization applied for this position, both had the same amount of education, but the white male had little qualifications in experience than the female; the black female has both education and several years of experience working with this type of cliental. Yet, the white male was offered the position over the black female who was more qualified and could assume all the responsibilities of the job. It was rumor that the reason the white male was promoted over the black female was because the unit in which management was needed was an all male unit and the unit would probably do better with a male leader than a female leader. Yet, according to Cornell University ILR School (2001), there has been progress, but gender discrimination is a widespread problem (Cornell University ILR School, 2001). However, Khosrovani and Ward (2011) argues that between 1940 and 1980 African American women made great progress and were nearing the status of white women, but today more black women are in subordinate status position with lower pay (Khosrovani Ward, 2011). On the contrary, Kamery (2004) refers to gender discrimination through Bunton (1998) definition as preferential behavior because of one’s gender (Kamery, 2004). Kamery (2004) discusses the wage gap between genders and how Bunton (1998) credits the industrial revolution as a significant step toward the improvement for women in the workforce as the regulations that were established were designed to protect women in the labor market, but it had a long-running negative effect on women’s equality (Kamery, 2004). The article described how colleges and universities excluded women from teaching and administrative occupations and even when and if they were allowed into certain occupations they limited to low pay level entry and low status positions (Kamery, 2004). As most people believed as Bunton (1998) explained in this article that the physical differences between men and women were a conditioning of society and most believed that a woman’s place was in the home and not in the workforce (Kamery, 2004). Racial discrimination Racial discrimination can be defined as the practice of letting a person’s race or skin color unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit (US Legal, Inc. , 2013). Cornell University ILR School (2001) asserts that racial discrimination persists in all parts of the Americas and ethnic minorities and migrant workers are mainly effected worsening poverty and making poverty last longer (Cornell University ILR School, 2001). Unlike Heather, Kevin, and Jitendra (2013) who provides readers with statics from the U. S. Department (2009) about the current national unemployment rate of 10. 2% and states that the economic recession claims that employment discrimination is up (Heather, Kevin, Jitendra, 2013). Further in the article by Heather, Kevin, and Jitendra (2013) it provides readers with a definition for discrimination that comes from Webster’s Online Dictionary, stating that discrimination is a biased decision based on a prejudice against an individual group characterized by race, class, sexual orientation, age, disabilities and so forth (Heather, Kevin, Jitendra, 2013). Although, Khosrovani and Ward (2010) claims that data indicate that the majority if African American employees were not promoted to higher levels in their companies, less than sixty percent believed that female employees had a better chance of advancement, and most African Americans do not believe that they receive equal opportunities from their employers in the areas of advance job training, mentoring, and promotions (Khosrovani Ward, 2011). On the other hand, Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) asserts that in places of limited employment racial conflict is more intense (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) contends that in the United States discrimination in employment is damaging and ethnic discrimination in the United States is closely related to the historic patterns of immigration and migration (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). In fact, Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) states that black workers are more closely watched than white workers not because of the characteristics of the job but because they are black; black workers systematically discriminated against in access to jobs, but they are better qualified for their job than the white workers that are working next to them; and blacks work in jobs where the majority of their co-workers are white which makes for profound racism and is looked upon as token representatives (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Last, Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) ends with the describing the subtle racism in the labour process and the interactional patterns that arise in the workplace which generates discrimination, and all the while the social acts of everyday life signifies the super ordinance of white status reminding black workers that they are in a white environment (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). For example, on my job there are more whites in upper management and more blacks in the lower levels of the organization. Black staffs have been watched more closely and corrected more times than their white counterparts. Black employees are more likely to be reprimand than their white counterpart, and blacks receive fewer promotions or recognition for a job well done than their white counterpart. This example is also supported by Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) article ‘Race Discrimination in the Workplace’ which states†¦ â€Å"When educated black American competes successfully for upper middle- class jobs, they represent a demographically small, although highly visible, threat to middle- class white males (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). † IV. History Yuan and Kleiner (1998) discusses in the article ‘How to Investigate and Prove Racial Discrimination’ how discrimination is universal and racial issues are not exclusively confined to internal affairs of any state but to all in one way or another, affecting the peace and security of us all (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Yuan and Kleiner (1998) tells of racial differences that had been established as symbols of superiority-inferiority and used as weapons in particular group conflicts such as the sixteenth century when this pattern was focused upon a particular race with brutality, and was the most inhuman aspect of European history (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Furthermore, Yuan and Kleiner (1998) asserts that the slavery that the African population was subjected to in America was the most inhuman case of racial discrimination, and even the abolition of slavery did not end discrimination, it just made the freed slaves continue to belong to the lowest stratum of society (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Yet, in the article ‘Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Regulations, and the Courts from Reconstruction to the New Deal’ by Bernstein and Lichtenstein (2002), readers can see that discrimination existed and was noted as far back as the 1870s (Bernstein Lichtenstein, 2002). Still, Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) asserts that the history of the working class in the south is a history of poor whites that were often manipulated by economic elites fighting to exclude poor blacks from economic opportunities (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). According to Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s won the passage in legislation as the affirmative action was design to help correct past discrimination acts (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). It was through the use of affirmative action that increased employment opportunities for women and ethnic minorities, and it was through affirmative action plans that established racial quotas that were declared as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1978 (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Also in this article it claimed that a study was conducted by Donald Tomaskovic-Devey who focused on the aspect of the labour process, in areas of wages and access to on the job training (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). While the findings were not so obvious in this area it was found in less obvious aspects of the labour process such as the intensity of supervision and the degree to one’s work opposed to manager controlled (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). There was evidence of direct racial discrimination that did not tie to the skill level or racial composition of the job (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). As Skrentny (2007) argues that open discrimination against blacks in the south meant few saw it as a significant problem because Title VII did not define discrimination; section 703(a) simply said that it was unlawful for an employer to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (Skrentny, 2007). This too, supports this author’s argument that discrimination is often in subtle forms making it not that noticeable by those that are not affected by it. Causes of Discrimination Yuan and Kleiner (1998) seen to think that prejudice is the reason for discrimination, especially racial discrimination (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). According to Yuan and Kleiner (1998) racism is a strong cause of prejudice and racial discrimination (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). â€Å"Racism is said to be based on â€Å"prejudices†, which constitute judgments made in the absence of evidence, and â€Å"stereotypes†, which are grossly misleading generalizations about groups (Yuan Kleiner, 1998).† An example of stereotyping, an owner of a restaurant who is white has been raised to think that Asian people are more reliable, and very good in math; and African Americans (blacks) are lazy and will steal anything and everything that they get their hands on. The restaurant owner places a sign in the window advertizing a part-time waitress position, an African American and an Asian American apply and is interviewed for a part-time waitress position in a restaurant. The African American has five years of experience as a waitress with a bachelor’s degree; the Asian American has two years experience with a high school diploma. The owner thinks about what he has been taught about Asian people and offers the Asian American the position because the owner thinks that the Asian American is better in math, and is a harder worker as he thinks of the African American as lazy and unreliable. As Yuan and Kleiner (1998) article place emphasis on psychologists and their views, maintaining that part of prejudice which people entertain is due to frustration and unhappiness (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). When people fail to understand the cause for their frustrations or recognize their inability to prevent their frustrations they tend to search for scapegoats so that they might project their anger, hatred, fear, and disillusionment (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Yuan and Kleiner (1998) referred to a study that was conducted by a person name Horowitz who believes in some countries where racism prevalent that prejudice is natural and inborn in people (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). In Horowitz observation he noted that very young black and white children played freely with each other, without being aware of differences, but later the white children were compelled to stay away from the black playmates under threat of punishment as one of the most frequent causes for getting a whipping was due to playing with a black child (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Although Horowitz’s findings do not provide readers with evidence that such factors cause prejudice and discrimination, and frustration does not always lead to aggression and hostility, Yuan and Kleiner (1998) does conclude that this may make one more susceptible to prejudice; factors such as economics may intensify or lessen prejudice (Yuan Kleiner, 1998). Combating Discrimination According to Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) the efforts to combat racial discrimination and racism took place in post- World War II history as the civil rights movement of the 1950s developed (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Further, Shih-Hsueh and Kleiner (1998) propose that the United States government combated discrimination in the areas of hiring and promotions by using equal opportunity and affirmative action laws and policies (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Thus, labor laws were established to equalize the bargaining power between the employers and the employees; these labor laws grant employees the right to unionize as it also allows the employers and the employees to participate in activities such as strikes and picketing (Cornell University Law School, n. d). Cornell University Law School (n. d) article reports that labor law is governed by federal law, state law and judicial decisions, and is also governed by regulations and decisions of administrative agencies (Cornell University Law School, n. d). Even so, Topping (2009) article asserts that white racism had not only divided the labor movement but it was institutionalized within the extent the racist practices were proven difficult to exorcise (Topping, 2009). Topping (2009) further asserts that the central idea was that the Wagner Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act was designed for different purposes, but made other societal problems worse (Topping, 2009). Yet, Skrentny (2007) argues that the primary goal for the establishment and implementation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was to create equal opportunities for African Americans by ending Jim Crow discrimination in the south (Skrentny, 2007). Moreover, this article suggests that sociological evidence indicates that U. S.  businesses engaged in race-conscious employment and focused on the perceived value of racial skills and racial symbolism; as businesses hired Asians and Latinos because of the perceived racial skills of these groups at low-status jobs that require strong work ethics and obedient attitudes (Skrentny, 2007). Further, Skrentny (2007) asserts that corporate employers seeking skilled worker did not necessarily prefer immigrants, but they reached for the symbolic values of diversity, but for their general racial skills at bringing new ideas to the workplace, and for their racial marketing skills for growing non-white markets (Skrentny, 2007). V. Theories Profeminist theories In an article written by Zwiech (2010) lists a number of concepts developed to account for discrimination against women in professional life (Zwiech, 2010). Such as the theorist Lenski, who according to Zwiech (2010), treats women as a separate social class and believes that people perceive family as a group of individuals and not a unit within the stratification system (Zwiech, 2010). In this article it asserts that Lenski’s theory it states that privilege depend on power and power depend on resources; he thinks that women’s resources are limited compared to men’s resources, because women’s resources are limited in power so are their privileges (Zwiech, 2010). While Zwiech (2010) describes Lenski’s theory, Zwiech describes another theorist perspective of class formation which was developed by Parkin (Zwiech, 2010). In Parkin’s theory, Parkin is against gender inequality of class structure; Parkin believes that gender could be treated as a factor determining the stratification if women’s disadvantage are greater than class distinction (Zwiech, 2010). Moreover, Parkin’s theory stresses that discrimination against women in the labour market results from male employees’ interest and the distribution of female employees, family roles that they perform, and household duties that they are charged with (Zwiech, 2010). Still, there is theorist Parsons who Zwiech (2010) describes in this article (Zwiech, 2010). This theory that is formulated by Parsons examines discrimination of women from the functional perspective and argues that family is a solidarity unit and husband and wife need to have equal status for the sake of solidarity; and the main factor determining discrimination against women are family and household duties which lessen employment opportunities and leads to occupational segregation by gender (Zwiech, 2010). The last theorist that Zwiech (2010) describes in this article is Acker (Zwiech, 2010). Acker refers to socio-cultural sex or gender, which socially construe notions of femininity and masculinity based on beliefs and stereotypes about difference between men and women (Zwiech, 2010). Acker’s theory argues that wages and salaries depend on gender due to the beliefs about the differences between men and women, as well as the division of economy sectors, the profession, and the workplaces goes hand in hand with pay inequality, even with social security benefits there are inequality in pay (Zwiech, 2010). Conflict theory As Zwiech (2010) provided readers with three different views of three different theorists, Zwiech (2009) offers readers additional insight of two more theorists, Turner and Musick (Zwiech, 2009). In this article Zwiech (2009) identifies some of the reasons behind discrimination against women and inequality between the sexes which one thought is that this division is enhanced by cultural beliefs from the age of hunting and gathering (Zwiech, 2009). Turner and Musick seen to think that disproportionately greater power, wealth, and prestige were enjoyed and are still enjoyed more by men in comparison to women; this is why some people are discriminated against as they are competitors in the labour market and accept lower pay than those received by dominating population (Zwiech, 2009). Addition to this thought, Turner and Musick believe that men may feel threaten by women as women constitute at least a half of the population and demanding equal rights would make men give up some of their privileges (Zwiech, 2009). Last, Turner and Musick imply that there is conflict when men and women do not agree with the cultural, political, and economic beliefs of society (Zwiech, 2009). VI. Legal Responsibility It were members of the legislation and members of Congress who established, created, and implemented U. S. employment discrimination laws to protect minorities who were discriminated against by white employers across the United States. Laws were established and enforced such as the 1913 Organic Act creating the U. S. Department of Labor, the 1938 Fair Labor Standard Act Codifies 40 Hour Workweek, the 1963 Equal Pay Act, and 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act just to name a few (The U. S. Department of Labor Historical Timeline, n. d). Whereas, in the article ‘Equal Employment Responsibilities of Multinational Corporations’ written by Feltes, Robinson, and Fink (1992) which disclose to readers that until the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1991 U. S. corporations had no legal responsibility to follow the anti-discrimination tents of Title VII in foreign plants, but now these corporations can be sued by its disgruntled employees (Feltes, Robinson, Fink, 1992). Readers of this article can see that despite whether discrimination takes place here in the United States or abroad in one of the U. S. foreign corporations there are laws in place to protect the vulnerable. At the same time, in 1991 a bipartisan of coalition in Congress negotiated the Civil Rights Act, reaffirming and strengthening the protection for minorities (Shih-Hsueh Kleiner, 1998). Although, Kendrick (2012) conclude that for forty years, the prohibition on content discrimination has been a touchstone of the First Amendment law, while some believe that the merits of a content-discrimination principle has been unprincipled, unpredictable and deeply incoherent (Kendrick, 2012). Kendrick (2012) contends that the types of discrimination are suspect and the Court’s content jurisprudence sends a clear message in an ambiguous way as discrimination on the basis of subject matter and viewpoint is obviously suspect, and given the ambiguities inherent in the content discrimination the Court’s conception is hardly incontestable (Kendrick, 2012). VII. Ethical Responsibility Congressional stance regarding equal rights has been supported by the United States public democratic institutions, the legal status of the Civil Rights Act (including Title VII) has been reaffirm due to numerous court hearings and Congressional discussions as the continuing reaffirmation assume societal standards (Feltes, Robinson, Fink, 1992). Feltes, Robinson, and Fink (1992) describes several accords that were described by William C.Frederick as researcher, revealing four provisions, (1) the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that addresses equality of pay, nondiscriminatory employment policies, and the rights of individuals, (2) the Helsinki Final Act of 1973 that addresses nondiscriminatory employment policies and rights of individuals, (3) the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in 1976 that addresses nondiscriminatory employment policies, and (4) the International Labor Office Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy in 1977 that focused on equality of pay, nondiscriminatory employment policies, and rights of individuals (Feltes, Robinson, Fink, 1992). VIII. Conclusion For many years it has been said by many people that the United States has been and still is a land of immigrants; racial, ethnic, and immigrant backgrounds have been and continue to be of great significant. The only difference in today’s society and those of the past is the large body of laws, regulations, and court decisions intended to bring equal opportunity to the workplace, fair wages, safety, and rights for collective bargaining (Skrentny, 2007). Still, discrimination exists more today than in years ago, as discrimination today is more subtle and less obvious, it does not have its bold ugly face as it did in the early 1950s and 1960s. Discrimination and inequalities still exist in today’s society as before and while there are laws that are suppose to protect those who are the underrepresented there are still ethnic minorities who are more affected by this ugly monster name discrimination. It is noted in Khosrovani and Ward (2011) article ‘AFRICAN AMERICANS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ACCESS TO WORKPLACE OPPORTUNITIES: A SURVEY OF EMPLOYEES IN HOUSTON, TEXAS’ that discrimination and inequalities impact gender and race in the workplace (Khosrovani Ward, 2011). Literature about women’s inequalities between 1940 and 1989 showed how African American women may have made great progress nearing the gap of their white counterparts, but today African American women are finding themselves in subordinate status positions making lower pay (Khosrovani Ward, 2011). As there are many theories why discrimination exist no one really knows for sure why, as there are some scholars who seen to think that economics contribute to prejudice and discrimination others view it as in born and cultural acquired practices. Yuan and Kleiner (1998) stated that while†¦ â€Å"The U. S. Constitution and Civil Rights Act of 1964 were established to protect everyone from discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, color, or religion; but in reality people have to speak out to insure that justice is served (Khosrovani Ward, 2011). How to cite Discrimination in the Workplace, Papers Discrimination in the Workplace Free Essays Discrimination is the grounds described by the law, they are personal characteristics that people have. Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws make it unlawful for anyone to be treated unfairly on certain grounds, such as age, sex, pregnancy or sexuality. There are differences in the ground covered by state and territory legislation. We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now Direct discrimination is when an employer takes adverse action against an employee because of that person’s race, color, sex or age. Marietta has young children. Her manager says she will not get a promotion because her family responsibilities may make her unreliable or unable to do a demanding job is direct discrimination. Indirect discrimination is when a work requirement, condition or practice seems the same for all staff, but actually disadvantages certain people because such things as a disability, their race, color, sex or age. The ad for a retail job in a clothing store says that only people who have a driver’s license should apply, even though driving is not part of the job. Sandra has good retail experience but can’t get the job because she has a disability and can’t get a driver’s license is an indirect discrimination. Systemic discrimination is widespread and long-term. It happens to a group of people because of a shared characteristic such as disability, race, color or sex. It is often part of a workplace policy, practice or culture. A large company with a stairway entrance doesn’t provide another way of getting into the building for employees with physical disabilities which means they can’t get into the building without help; this is a form of systemic discrimination. Sex discrimination involves treating someone; an applicant or employee unfavorably because of that person’s sex. The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. Discrimination against an individual because that person is transgender is discrimination because of sex in violation of Title VII. This is also known as gender identity discrimination. Prizes of a different value are given for male and female competition in the same club is a form of sex discrimination. Age discrimination prohibits discrimination against all individuals age 40 years or older working for employers having 20 or more workers. Most employees cannot be forced to retire at a specific age. A club refuses to clear players to other teams because they are under 21. Marital status discrimination occurs when an employer treats a worker differently because of the worker’s marital status. If an applicant or employee is married, widowed, divorced, single or unmarried with a same-sex or opposite-sex partner, and the employer uses that information in making decisions about hiring, benefits, promotions, discipline or termination. A player is deliberately excluded from team activities and social functions after she divorces her husband who is a club official is marital status discrimination. Pregnancy discrimination requires that any employer with 15 or more employees treat maternity leave the same as other personal or medical leaves. Pregnancy discrimination act requires employers to treat pregnant employees the same as non-pregnant employees with similar abilities or inabilities. A woman is dropped from her softball team when she reveals she is pregnant. Racial discrimination occurs when an individual is subjected to unequal treatment because of their actual or perceived race. Race/color discrimination also can involve treating someone unfavorably because the person is married to or associated with a person of a certain race or color or because of a person’s connection with a race-based organization or group, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain color. Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are the same race or color. An aboriginal player is overlooked for team selection, due to his race. Sexuality discrimination applies to goods and services and all employment and vocational training and includes recruitment, terms and conditions, promotions, transfers, dismissals and training. The act makes it unlawful on the grounds of sexual orientation to; discriminate directly against anyone and to treat them less favorably than others because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, discriminate indirectly to apply a criterion, provision or practice which disadvantages people of a particular sexual orientation, unless it can be objectively justified, and victimize someone because they have made or intend to make a compliant or allegation in relation to a complaint of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. A footballer is ridiculed by his team mates after his homosexuality is disclosed. Impairment or disability discrimination is treating you unfairly or badly because of your impairment. Discrimination such as this may be unlawful depending on the circumstances. Discrimination on the basis of impairment can happen at work, school or college, in a public venue in a shop or a restaurant, looking for accommodation, buying property, applying for credit, insurance or a loan, or dealing with tradespeople, businesses or state or local government. Because discrimination occurs most often in the workplace, employers should offer an equal opportunity to everyone for job interviews, promotion, transfer or training. In other words, employers need to consider you on what you can do, not on what they assume you cannot do. A junior player is overlooked because of her mild epilepsy. Religious discrimination involves treating a person, an applicant or employee unfavorably because of his or her religious beliefs. The law protects not only people who belong to traditional, organized religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, but also others who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs. Religious discrimination can also involve treating someone differently because that person is married to or associated with an individual of a particular religion or because of his or her connection with a religious organization or group. A woman is not allowed to participate because she is wearing a hijab. Although sexual harassment is one of the biggest issues facing employers these days it’s not the only type of discrimination you need to be concerned about. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991, employees who believe they were victims of job discrimination due to race, religion, sex or disability is entitled to a trial by jury. While companies with fewer than 15 employees are generally exempt from federal discrimination laws, most states have their own laws prohibiting discrimination, which, in addition to protecting a wider range of categories of employees, include smaller businesses within their scope and procedural and evidentiary standards more favorable to claimants. A male tennis coach keeps putting his hand on a woman’s bottom during coaching sessions, making her feel very uncomfortable. Victimization is where an employee is singled out for using their workplace complaints procedures or exercising their legal rights. An employer must not treat a worker less favorably because s/he has complained of discrimination or given evidence supporting another worker. There is protection for the worker if she/he makes an allegation in good faith of anything which would be unlawful race discrimination. It is also unlawful for an employer to penalize a worker because she/he anticipates that the worker is likely to allege race discrimination. The law protects you from discrimination so that it is illegal for traders to behave in certain ways. For example, they should not directly discriminate against you by treating you worse than someone else. Discrimination is the prejudicial and/or distinguishing treatment of an individual based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or category, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated. It involves the group’s initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual’s actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making. Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices, and laws exist in many countries and institutions in every part of the world, even in ones where discrimination is generally looked down upon. In some places, controversial attempts such as quotas or affirmative action have been used to benefit those believed to be current or past victims of discrimination but have sometimes been called reverse discrimination themselves. â€Å"Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me. † ? Zora Neale Hurston How to cite Discrimination in the Workplace, Papers Discrimination in The Workplace Free Essays For years people have been treated differently based upon their class, race, and gender. This has cause discrimination to take place and destroy people lives mentally in the work environment. Discrimination is unequal treatment of any group of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination in The Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now This could apply to race, ethnic group, gender, and age (Discrimination, 2011). It has impact one’s social class in the workplace, keeping certain races from establishing deceased paying jobs, and only providing genders with limited job positions. In this paper the writer will be discussing the act of discrimination in the workplace. Social Class The social class was defined by the political power and social status of one’s heritage. Which there are three types of class structures lower, middle, and upper (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). The lower class has no job security due to not having any funds saved or assets (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). Lower-classman is bound to work at poorly paid jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Jobs like these offer no benefits for example health care and pay tuition. If these individuals are laid off or injured the welfare of their families could be in danger (The Social Organization of Work, pg 76). The lower class has a small percentage of offering their children an advantage to a secure job. The lower class is less likely to vote due to the lack of power they posses (The Social Organization of, pg 76). How to cite Discrimination in The Workplace, Papers Discrimination in the Workplace Free Essays Discrimination in the Workplace According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discrimination charges were up slightly from last year from 99,922 to 99,947. In terms of the volume of charges by protected class, the highest percentages were: †¢Retaliation – 37. 4% †¢Race – 35. We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now 4% †¢Sex/Gender – 28. 4% †¢ADA/Disability – 25. 8% Nine out of ten times when you go into a business meeting, the person you are encountering for the first time has already formed an impression of you based on your communication with them up to that point. Your religion, race, height, nationality and even your gender are factors that most people make quick judgments about. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are bias and assumptions. According to Oxford dictionary, discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather on the individual merit. My reasons for this message are to point out the effects of racial discrimination and how it can be prevented. Discrimination against people with different physical appearance, mental illness, or a different personal preference such as homosexuality is a position where people should never find themselves in. Discrimination affects people from all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are influenced in some way by workplace discrimination. † One of the most common elements discriminated against is a person’s ethnicity, or their race. This is called Racial Discrimination. We’ve all heard the statistics about first impressions. When you meet someone for the first time, according to research at University of Pennsylvania 7% of their impression of you is based on what you say, 38% on how you say it, and a massive 55% on their appearance and manner. No wonder we worry about choosing our clothes for that all important meeting or job interview. What are the reasons in society that causes prejudice and discrimination? Consequently problems with discrimination are from parental discrimination, traditional labeling, and unfair generalizations. No one is born racist, sexist, or homophobic. Some parents aise their children with negative beliefs about others. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to get rid of discrimination in our workplace. A parent who is an extremist will more than likely have negative effects on how a child will treat others. In addition traditional labeling is another cause of discrimination. Discriminatory labels have been passed down from generation to generation. For example many child ren engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealing fruit from other people’s trees, climbing into other people’s yards, or playing hooky from school. In rich neighborhoods, these acts may be viewed by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of the process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities might be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency. This sort of labeling can easily lead to workplace bias. Lastly, unfair generalizations are another cause of discrimination. After a single person of a race or sex does something injustice, people tend to group the entire race or sex with that single person’s flawed actions. This tends to happen to minorities quite often in the workplace and also in the social life. All these things that I have listed play a significant role in molding and shaping a person character. Now I’m going to talk about the effects of racial discrimination. Discrimination at work can lead to decreased job performance and lower productivity. Workplace discrimination can impact the level of employee spirits. It goes without saying that if you witness discriminatory acts or are a victim of discrimination, the experience can be crushing. Employees who are exposed to discrimination can begin to surfer the effects of disrespect even if they are not the main target of discrimination. In addition, researchers find evidence that discrimination has a negative impact on one’s mental health. Results from the study â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health, Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Women’s Physical and Emotional Health† reveal that women were being tested and their level of stress increased after experiencing job discrimination. In another study testing African American women, perceived racial discrimination at work led to higher levels of depression and decreased levels of psychological well-being. These studies suggest that mental stress is caused by work discrimination. Another effect of racial discrimination is that it damages the business reputation. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website contains information about discrimination lawsuits, settlements and awards. Newspapers publish stories of high-profile cases and jury trials awarding damages to plaintiffs in discrimination lawsuits. Rumors and truths spread throughout the business community, and potential applicants spread the word about businesses purported to engage in discriminatory employment practices. Allegations of discrimination can even affect the relationship between a company and its suppliers and vendors. All of this takes its toll on an organization’s business reputation, its ability to recruit talent and, ultimately, its profitability. The saying â€Å"all publicity is good publicity† doesn’t apply when the publicity is about discrimination. On the contrary there are solutions to these problems. These steps will help guide our heart and our morals. There are many ways but I selected two main guides to help us. One way to start the change is by renewing of your minds. We have to change our views by disciplining ourselves. Systematic judgments require more controlled processing and tend to occur when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare. Learn to interact with people more on a personal level. Another way to stop discrimination is to report it. Any individual who is the victim of racial discrimination should not allow it to continue. You can report discrimination by documenting the incidents. Next you should report to a supervisor and show him the documentations. Lastly complain to EECO. File a report immediately then wait for EEOC to get back to you so afterwards you can get permission to take legal action if the discrimination is clear. Exercise commitment and patience in your journey to remove stereotyping from the mind and heart. In conclusion, with this in mind learning to dig deep from other people will bring humility. We can remove the snap judgments we make about people because someday we might under authority or be in the position of authority. Because discriminatory behavior can hardly be seen I challenge you to be cautious about what is said or done in the workplace. We can avoid being the attacker or the victim in this situation. These indications I listed are only of the few of our automatic notions about others. We should have an equal shot to an opportunity that is presented to us. ? Bibliography The Beginners Guide To Body Language. † Photograph. http://sapientology. com/body-language/how-to-read-body-language/. Matthew Michael. 2010. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Haworth, Abigail. â€Å"Forced to Be Fat . † Marie Claire. 21072011: 1-3. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (Haworth 1-3) Anderson, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction to Sociology. New York: W. W. Norton Company. VerBruggen, Robert. â€Å"Appearance Discrimination’: The New Racism?. † National Review Online. 06292010: 1-4. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (VerBruggen 1-4) America Obsession with beauty. † Photograph. The Fashion Spot. Randle Lee. Jelosoft Enterprises, 2008. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . â€Å"Oxford Dictionaries. † Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University, 01082011. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Pincus, Debbie . â€Å"Control Freak vs. Pushover Parenting: Why Neither Works . Empowering Parents. n. page. Print. . U. S Equal Employment Opportunity Commision . Privacy Policy. Facts About Race/Color Discrimination. 2012. Web. . Daeragon , Beth . â€Å"NH Employment Law Blog. † NH Employment Law Blog. . (2012): . Web. 19 Nov. 2012. . Pavalko, Eliza, Krysia Mossakowski, and Vanessa Hamilton. â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships Betwe en Work Discrimination and Women’s Physical and Emotional Health. † 2001. Maduff and Maduff. (2008) Discrimination. Maduff and Maduff: A Civil Rights Law Firm. 2008 How to cite Discrimination in the Workplace, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Analyzing an Advertisement free essay sample

Cigarettes Ad In the Life and Style Magazine printed on March 3rd, 2014, there is an ad printed on the last page promoting Newport Cigarettes. The ad uses the pathos appeal because of the text that is printed on it, and the color of the ad. Newport cigarettes have been around for a long time which is why the ethos appeal is being used. The logos appeal is used by the small surgeon general warning that is printed on it. These are all compelling attention grabbers which make the reader believe that Newport cigarettes are luxurious. The luxurious color gold and large bold printed text is part of the pathos appeal. The color gold signifies many things such as: purity, wealth, money, luxury, and riches. To the audience gold is something of higher standard and it is appealing. Newport cigarettes accurately use the color gold to draw people to their product. They want the reader to feel the luxury their cigarettes may provide. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing an Advertisement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since gold is rare and exclusive, the ad makes people feel like they are in a small cornered off group. People want to be a part of that group. In huge bold white letters on the gold background are the words, â€Å"So Rich, So Smooth! † This describes the reality of their product, and the lifestyle you’ll receive from their cigarettes. It is telling you these cigarettes are of the highest standard. They aren’t rough. They have an even and uninterrupted flow, and will satisfy you. Again, they are placing you in a specific group. Additionally, this ad uses the ethos appeal. Newport cigarettes have a reputation. They have been around for a long time. In fact, they have been around since 1957. They are America’s number one selling cigarette (Lorillard.  com). The Newport brand accounted for approximately eighty-eight percent of sales revenue for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 2012 (â€Å"About Us†). A lot of people may use this brand of cigarette because their parents may have used it, and their grandparents. When people look at this ad they can believe what the ad is saying because of the longevity the company possesses. When a company has been around for a long time, they can be more persuasive rather than the company that has just come out; they’re more trustworthy and have a familiar face. Finally, there is a small printed surgeon general’s warning on the ad. This warning says: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, and Low Birth Weight. This is the logos appeal being used. While the warning is printed on the ad, it is in small print, on the bottom of the page, in the corner. It doesn’t stand out or draw your attention to it. It is only printed on there because it has to be. Newport cigarettes do not want the warning to be the center of attention for the reader. As a result of all the appeals this ad is using, Newport cigarettes successfully draws people to their product. The colors used, large printed text, small printed surgeon general warning, and the Newport brand itself are all things that make up this ad. This ad makes you believe these cigarettes are luxurious, and they stand out from all of the rest. Overall, this ad is trying to make it appear to the reader that you are above the rest if you choose their cigarette. You will be part of a special group. What the reader perceives from this ad, is what will make them want to buy these cigarettes or not buy them.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Water Pollution 2 Essay Research Paper Our free essay sample

Water Pollution 2 Essay, Research Paper Our oceans cover about 75 % of the planet Earth. A distinguishable per centum of our nutrient resources come from these Waterss including fish and workss. The air around us is what keeps the fire of life from melting and wavering out. Why would anyone foul these cherished parts of our ecosystem? Well they are, and pollution Torahs should be strengthened and smartly enforced no affair what the cost. China, a state with an extended seashore line, should work harder to protect its Marine environment. Harmonizing to the subject of the international Year of the Ocean, 1998, oceans are the common heritage of all people, it is hence our duty to protect the oceans for future coevalss. So so why is at that place a large-scale discharge of waste incorporating foods with N and P lending to the violent death of 300 dozenss of fish ( China environment Daily ) . The paper said that a sum of 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Pollution 2 Essay Research Paper Our or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 9 billion dozenss of sewerage were discharged into the Waterss at South China s Pearl River oral cavity in 1997, with a rate intervention of less than 10 % . This big sum of discharge of harmful land-sourced substances into the seas has posed a major menace to the marine environment. The current jurisprudence, which simply restricts the concentration of pollutants, is non effectual plenty to vouch a high quality of saltwater. This is an consequence of the statute law missing articles refering the measure of the discharged wastes. The black ruddy tide which hit the coastal Waterss of China s Guangdong Province and Hong Kong between March and April of 1998, is a direct consequence of this lackingness. In August of 1982, China adopted the Law on Marine Environment Protection, which went into consequence March of 83. Regulations such as: Regulations Refering the Prevention Damage to the Marine Environment by Coastal Construction Projects ( 1990 ) , Regulations Refering the Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environment by Land-based Pollutants ( 1990 ) and Regulations Refering the Dumping of Wastes at Sea ( 1985 ) were all enacted and all have prevented serious harm to saltwater during the past 15 old ages. But who is to state what is considered serious, these pollutants could hold killed off species of marine life yet to be discovered by adult male. What if some now nonextant type of Marine works held the remedy to AIDS or malignant neoplastic disease, world will neer cognize because we are excessively busy dumping our wastes into these environments interrupting the ecosystems. But land-based pollutants are non the lone destructers of adult male that disturb the ecological balance of the sea. Uncontrolled, net income driven sand and crushed rock dredging and digging have damaged Rhizophora mangles and coral reefs, doing every bit harmful effects to the marine ecology as does pollution from waste H2O. The fish genteelness sites in tidal countries and major migration paths are sometimes destroyed by the irrational building of dikes and the uncontrolled reclaiming of land from the sea for edifice development zones. Much of the Waterss surrounding China are besides in contact with Japan, and Japan has a big fishing economic system which is now traveling to be affected by the huge sums of fishes either deceasing off of traveling to cleaner Waterss. An institutional reform is to be under manner, but authorities map have non been clearly defined and the imbrication of different establishments duties still prevents the effectual execution of the jurisprudence. Harmonizing to Liu Nanlai, a senior research chap of the Law Institute from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to forestall problems from originating during the operatio N of the jurisprudence, a individual governmental establishment to back up the incorporate direction of State Marine protection personal businesss is urgently needed. But while everyone is running about seeking to acquire all the legal personal businesss settled, makers and concerns are still dumping inordinate wastes into our oceans. And I say our oceans because the Waterss China is dumping in is connected to the Waterss that border every other coastline state and finally currents will transport all the wastes around the full Earth. ( Zheng Ying ) Slightly more local is the harm being done to the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry. Detected off the seashores of Louisiana and Texas, the largest of all time gulf dead zone which is said to be so broad, it would stretch from Chicago to Des Moines, said Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, which measured the zone in July of 1999. More than half the N blamed for the job comes from harvest fertilisers, which cause low O degrees in an country of H2O and so becomes vacant of runt and other sea life from spring to early autumn. Farms cover huge balls of the Mississippi River basin, which spreads across 41 % of the United States. The husbandmans in that country are losing $ 400 million a twelvemonth by allowing fertiliser wash down the Mississippi River into the gulf, where it goes to blow and threatens the supports of shrimpers and other fishers, said John Downing, an Iowa State University aquatic ecologist analyzing the issue. Keeping the fertiliser on the cropland would non merely salvage the husbandmans money, but it would protect shrimping involvements in the gulf and assist battle nitrate pollution in Iowa. So why aren T husbandmans cutting their fertiliser usage? Because there is no scientifically identifiable nexus between the husbandmans use of fertiliser and the low-oxygen zones in the gulf. Farmers want the authorities to avoid interrupting the state s immense agricultural economic system, and by turning 24 million estates of cropland into wetlands to assist maintain the N out of rivers would be extremely unprofitable. But the cost of utilizing the fertilisers and to hold them washed into the gulf, could do harm that future coevalss will hold to endure from. If Torahs aren T made stricter for husbandmans and the efficient usage of fertilisers be enforced, other wise the full state could endure. ( Beeman Perry ) Our oceans are traveling to be the one of the things left to future coevalss that will be needed in life. Procedures of desalinization can supply imbibing H2O for those who do non hold a resuviour or a natural beginning still in being. Make you truly desire your great expansive kids drink intoxicated H2O which may hold mutantigenic effects or even cause malignant neoplastic disease, all because our coevals couldn t decently dispose of wastes because at the clip it was more cost efficient to dump them into the ocean. In the long tally it is merely traveling to ache our economic system. It is cheaper to pass a few excess vaulting horses to fling wastes decently, than to lade the oceans up with so much pollution that in the hereafter no sum of money could replace the lost species of marine life and the economical desolation that will be caused to many fishing based life styles. Already states exist in Central America and along the Torrid Zones that because of the deficiency of proper installations, the encompassing H2O is intoxicated and anyone that dares swim in it, is about guaranteed to come out with some kind of virus or illness, do we truly want that in every state of the universe? Ask yourself that following clip you have a piece of rubbish in your manus, do you want to be portion of the job, or portion of the solution.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Bird Essays - Dave Winer, Podcasters, Restaurant, Free Essays

The Bird Essays - Dave Winer, Podcasters, Restaurant, Free Essays The Bird There's no doubt that Washington, DC has some of the most up and coming restaurants in the country. From its exclusive grand openings to its various featured restaurants and style, there's a restaurant for every DC foodie. The Bird, one of DC's newest restaurants is one restaurant that's taken a huge part in the DC food scene. Restaurant owner David Winer has been in the restaurant industry for the past 16 years. Winer is a resident of the Logan Circle neighborhood here in Washington, DC and has opened up five restaurants since his restaurant career began. "The Bird," Winer's newest restaurant is located on 11th Street NW and has received great reviews from Washington's reviewers. Ever since the grand opening on Halloween of 2016 he has had nothing but great feedback and success. "It's been a struggle opening a restaurant, as any restaurant owner would know - but my customers, family, and friends keep me motivated to continue what I do," says Winer. Winer continued, "I've opened up five restaurantsI have had struggles and different experiences with each one, but The Bird became a huge project and was actually the most challenging." The restaurant has unique artwork inside that symbolizes different seasons. "With it getting closer to the spring we have opened up our patio and terrace recently on days when it's warm with it doubling up on our covers," said Winer. The Bird is known for it's global cuisine, featuring food from around the world. Chef Michael Bonk, who is also a part owner, said, "customer satisfaction is essential. We love leaving our customers satisfied from the time they walk in to the time they walk out." Bonk says he always likes to introduce himself to the new customers so that customers know who is preparing the food. The Bird gets most of its customers from people in the Washington, DC area who comes in more than once a week. Manager Ben Bronstein says, "We love seeing regulars come in because we build relationships with them, and that's what keeps them coming in with our servers already knowing their order." With The Bird's amazing artwork, crafted drinks, and most importantly the food - the restaurant ends the day with a lot of great feedback and satisfied customers. Contacts: David Winer: Email: [emailprotected] Ben Bronstein: Email: [emailprotected] Phone: (202) 518-3609 Michael Bonk: Email: [emailprotected]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Auditing theory and practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Auditing theory and practice - Essay Example The company follows (assumption) international accounting standards (IAS) and international financial reporting system (IFRS) for accounting and presenting its financial statements. In addition, since the company operates in UK, all the relevant UK laws and regulations are applicable for its operations, financial statements development and reporting along with disclosure requirements. The company is facing stiff competition in the perfect competition market in which it operates. This has caused the company to reduce its selling price in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. This cost cutting has adversely affected the sales revenue growth rate and hence, the profitability. This is a prominent business risk that the company has been unable to satisfactorily deal with; as a result, the company has to bear a loss in 2005. In addition, another glaring risk is the ownership structure of the firm and demise of the majority shareholder Mr. Kale. This might lead to power struggle in the company which ultimately results in loss of productivity and negative politics. Together these five areas can be used to gather insightful information about the company’s internal control environment and its effectiveness in preventing, detecting or mitigating risks to the company. The control environment refers to the overall organisation structure and values system. The commitment of top management is mandatory, and control environment study provides assurance about top management’s philosophy and operating styles. These are reflected in company’s policies, strategies and operating procedures. The auditor should conduct detailed interviews with top management and should study the company documentation to gather information about the control environment of the company; as top management is ultimately responsible for implementing and operating the corporate governance structure for the company. Studying the control environment with a view to identify management’s

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Alfred Russel Wallace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Alfred Russel Wallace - Research Paper Example However, only Wallace and other two of his nine siblings (Fanny and John) survived past early adulthood. The deteriorating financial condition of Wallace’s family interrupted his education. However, his home was a rich source of maps, books as well as gardening activities, which Wallace recalled later with pleasure. He notes in his autobiography that he devoted far more time to the games that he played as a child than to the lessons that he received at school, and he found this to be boring and painful. Nevertheless, Wallace was a realistically good student since in his last year of school; he assisted in teaching the younger pupils. This anomalous position of being both a teacher and a pupil was especially repugnant to the tall young man, and he suffered from recurring dreams of colossal torment at school for two decades (Wallace & Camerini, 4). As discussed earlier, Wallace grew up in an underprivileged background, what may be designated as rural middleclass in rural Wales a nd then in Hertford, England. This upbringing was very different from that of other Victorian scientific counterparts (Wallace & Camerini, 4). ... He also had the opportunity of travelling abroad, which gave him exposure and respect for ‘savages’ (persons from non-European cultures) and to the colonial exploitation systems that they were exposed to. Therefore, that his enduring identification with the underdog eventually resulted in his becoming a socialist is not astounding (Wallace & Berry, 1). Wallace explains in his autobiography that in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, Britain’s economic base revolutioniz d from agriculture to manufacturing and the British Empire grew in power as well as in size. This was a period of new opportunities as well as mounting dissent. The traditional values of Britain’s agricultural society were based on the status and wealth of the family where one came from. Industrialization and expansion into colonial lands subverted the staid social structure, and there resulted a substantial wealth and power re-distribution out of the need for expertise as well as s cientific knowledge in the change to a manufacturing society. This wide context shaped the life of Wallace while he was young, a context charged with difficulties to traditional forms of authority, particularly the Church of England along with political power based on heritage. The fact that Wallace’s interests ranged so broadly makes it very hard to apply a single label to him. Depicting him as a natural scientist would do for the early part of his life, but so would travel writer and geographer; one would have to add spiritualist, intellectual and social critic for the second half of his life. Equally difficult to pin down is his status within the scientific community. To some historians, Wallace was a loner, an outsider or the ‘other’ man who discovered evolution. These terms however

Monday, November 18, 2019

Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought Essay

Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment Thought - Essay Example In the realms of romanticism, a number of examples have helped people to understand the kind of philosophical thought that passes through the minds of characters and people and what changes their minds with respect to the relationships that they share with people around them. In modern day society, such a thought process might have changed but is inherently very similar to the days of yore. When talking about cultural mutation, one can easily witness changes taking place in modern day society with respect to the formation of global economies and socio-cultural scenarios. As compared to the past, in order to depict the growth in thought, one should be able to determine the causes and inferences of the Lutheran Reformation, victory of the usage of empirical methods and statistical data in order to prove scientific methods rather than relying on normative thought processes. (Triki, Rachida) Furthermore, the journey of conversion from the identity of a hero to a saint also finds a very p romising exemplary while discussing the power and established Renaissance Empire during the time of Michelangelo.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Performance related pay

Performance related pay Performance Related Pay The aim of this essay is to identify if performance related pay (PRP) actually work. In this paper analysis of PRP will be discussed. This is going to be accomplished by looking at some researches that was conducted by different authors. An introduction of performance related pay by Inland Revenue will be discussed, whether it really helped the management to accomplish their goals or not. In early days 1990s employer from both the private and the public sectors put a greater emphasis on paying for performance and attempting to incentivise remuneration in order to improve individual and organisational performance based culture. According to Armstrong the schemes base pay on an assessment of individuals job performance. Although such schemes are not identical, they provide individual with financial rewards in the form of increase to basic pay or cash bonuses which are linked to the assessment of performance, usually in relations to agreed objectives. He suggested that pay is linked to performance measured by a number of specific objectives (for example sales targets or customer satisfaction). This reflects a move towards rewarding output rather than input, using qualitative rather than quantitative judgement (Fowler 1998). Performance related pay turn out to be extensively used in the public sector (for example, local government, the NHS and teachers), for which a government of both complexions have supported the idea. There are number of benefits of performance related pay that was identified by Armstrong (1999). He noted that performance related pay can be used to motivate individuals and consequently develop them and the organisational performance. It can persuade managers to examine the progression of objectives settings as part of their advance to supervising the department or branch. It helps the organisation to attract and retain people through financial rewards and competitive pay and reduces ‘golden handcuff effects or poor performer staying with an employer and also meets a basic human need to be rewarded for achievement. Marchington and Wilkinson stated that, it is hard to find ultimate proof to determine the success of performance related pay; even though it has been broadly supported, and practitioners in particular give the impression to retain huge loyalty in its qualities. In recent years there has been an additional vigilant assessment of the ideas behind performance related pay. They are many studies that suggest that performance related pay can strengthen and contribute to the organisational and individual performance than those suggesting it cannot. Lewis (1998, p74) noted that, â€Å"If employers are generally in agreement with both the principle and practise of performance related pay, they will be motivated to better the job performance and beneficial organisational outcomes will follow. On the other hand, if they are not in agreement with either principle or practice of performance related pay then they will not be motivated to perform more effectively in their jobs and such organisatio nal outcomes will not follow†. He argued for more concentration to the softer side of the performance related pay procedure, for instance greater involvement in agreeing objectives, response in a developmental manner, although he observes that in the financial service organisation he examined, managers have a tendency to impose objectives to workers. Marsden and Richardson (1994) analysed the introduction of performance related pay at the Inland Revenue on the grounds that it should act as a motivator. They query over 2000 workers in relation to the impact of PRP on their own behaviour as well on other judgement pertaining to performance was made in the course of staff appraisals. On the research they conducted they found that the majority of Inland Revenue workers were in favour of performance related pay other than minority who felt antagonistic to it. They also discovered that any optimistic motivational effects of performance related pay have been, at most, very modest among workers. To make it worse, there was a comprehensible evidence of some demotivation between workers. The distribution of performance related pay was seen by a lot of workers as to be unjust. Awards were given only to those who had received good ratings, but many respondents felt that the appraisal scheme had been contaminated. The observable demotivation between employees was warring for proponents of performance related pay, 55 percent believed that it had contributed to demoralize workers self-confidence, and 62 percent assumed it had sourced jealousy between them. A number of employees felt that the sum of money involved was not huge enough to give good reason for a change in performance. Lawler (1999) noted that anything less than 10 percent of salary is too little for performance related pay. Many staff felt that they were not capable to improve. Therefore the introduction of performance related pay did not work for Inland Revenue management the reason being most of the workers did not support it. There are many other criticisms directed at performance related pay. The complexity of appraisal, the complexity of planning objectives, the risk of prejudice or perceived bias, the high expenditure of management, the predicament connected with a focus on the individual and the complicatedness of organising and distributing the essential degree of administrative commitment (Torrington et al 2002 p 604-5). In addition performance related pay inspires elevated expectations individuals respond to it because there is a hope of more money and the hope has to be considerably if it is to be attractive. Management therefore frequently introduces the system by indicating how much individual can look forward to. A theme echoed broadly in the performance related pay literature is that people consider it as a good practice in principle, and certainly it is hard to object to the view that hardworking and effective employees should be paid more than those who do the opposite.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stephon Marbury :: essays research papers

	Stephon Marbury is a basketball phenomenon. Mr. Marbury has been known by the basketball world at the young age of eleven. Many pressures and confrontations have encountered Mr. Marbury throught his entire basketball career. These began when he was a young child and they still accompany him. 	Many people from Brooklyn, New York, the city in which Stephon Marbury was born and raised, have known about his basketball skills for an extremely long time because "...he was dribbling on a court not long after he was dribbling on his bib"(Ryan, 56). Mr. Marbury described himself as mouthy and inconsiderate. He loved to "talk trash" to opposing team's players and even their coaches. In 1988 Hoop Scoop, a recruiting newsletter, anointed him the bext sixth-grader in the nation...Up to that point, Marbury says, "I wasn't a very nice kid. I thought I was it. It was y'all supposed to talk to me, I'm not supposed to talk to y'all. i'd just come out on the court, just talk junk, with this walk and this look." In CYO ball he woofed at opposing coaches: I'm just killing your guards. Get someone out here who can stop me(Wolff, 62). 	By the time that Mr. Marbury was a Sophomore in high school at Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, he had changed his act. He learned to treat everybody with respect and to be a professional person. He had also tattooed a panther onto his right arm. He said: "A panther is quick and smart and always alert to everything. He's sitting on top of a mountain...That's where I want to see myself" (Wolff, 62). 	Mr. Marbury had great pressures exerted on him to put up big numbers. He was frustrated that very few people could comprehend how much pressure was exerted on him to do this. Mr. Marbury even had international recognition by making the covers of magazines in France and Germany. A news show on the American Broadcasting Company, "Nightline", profiled him. Mr. Marbury says: It's real hard for people to understand if they don't come from New York, I was scrutinized for every little thing. In high school, I was like what Michael Jordan is to the NBA. I had to be on top of my game every day. Everybody was gunning for me(Ryan, 54). 	Mr. Marbury met another high school basketball phenomenon from South Carolina, Kevin Garnett. They both currently play on the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Power of Knowledge

The Power of Knowledge Our present day cabinet of curiosities (the â€Å"Cabinet†) is akin to early modern representations, which contained a vast range of objects representing the power of divine creation, in that the Cabinet represents, through its display of five objects, the power of human knowledge. Each of these objects helps mankind acquire and/or use knowledge.The order of objects displayed has been designed to reflect the evolution and utilisation of knowledge: an illustration of the DNA spiral helix (the building blocks of life); seed samples (the growth and development of organisms); the electron icroscope (allowing detailed examination of objects); the tablet-style computer (the dissemination and democratisation of knowledge); and the moon rock (exploration of space). DNA Spiral Helix The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) helix is the only object in the Cabinet which is a representation.Whilst DNA exists in every cell it would need the Electron Microscope to render DNA v isible. Two strands are shown twisted into a helix with rods between the strands. How does this represent DNA? Phillip Cohen (2006) describes the helix thus: Each strand spells out the genetic code as a chain of four chemical letters alled bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). A,C,G and T sit on the rods between the two strands which are made from a sugar molecule and a phosphate molecule (Genetics Home Reference, 2013).The discovery of DNA and the evolving knowledge of it, has proved immensely powerful because of what it enables us to do, for example: to detect a criminal's guilt from a single hair beyond reasonable doubt; detect family connections by comparing DNA from two or more people, dead or alive; (hence the certainty that it was Richard Ill's remains found in Leicester); and to give the power to cure or eliminate previously incurable diseases, through the mapping of the human genome.Seed Samples Seed samples appear on the shelves at the seed bank of The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, labelled in see-through closed plastic containers. The first seed bank was established by N. Vavilov in 1926 outside St. Petersburg, for scientific research and cross-breeding purposes (BBC, 2013). Since then the world has changed dramatically, resulting in an increased consumption of natural resources. Seed banks around the world have assumed a new and very important ole in the preservation of rare and dying species of all kinds of plant forms.Today the Millennium Seed Bank in Kew Royal Botanic Gardens is working on the ‘Noah's ark project and has acquired ten percent of the world's plant species threatened by climate change and the expansion of human habitats (Kew, nd). Seed samples preserved by seed banks provide not Just the opportunity for detailed study but also the power, opportunity and possibility for future generations to preserve most of the plant forms in the world (as we know it now) and to regenerate species to help feed the growing world population. An Electron Microscope This electron microscope is linked to three computer screens, showing typhoid bacteria in pink.Invented in 1 by German natural philosophers Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska, the electron microscope, though cumbersome and expensive is â€Å"capable of high magnification and greater resolving power than a light microscope† Oohn Innes Centre, 2013). Its capability to magnify finer details by two million times, revolutionised the studies of the behaviour and treatment of light resistant bacteria (such as typhoid bacteria) and viruses and enables detailed forensic analysis to take place. This object symbolises man's quest not only to understand his natural environment, but his ambition to control and manage it.The micrographs are artefacts in their own right; they can be displayed on their own as scientific evidence. The electron microscope can be displayed alone in a science museum, as a demonstration model for public use or in the Cabinet with the other four items chosen, to show the prominence and ever-increasing possibilities of technology and science and to illustrate man's evolving knowledge. A Tablet Computer Tablet-style computers combine several electronic components, such as a computer, amera and hand-held gaming device, into one convenient portable package (Martin, 2013) which is affordable for many consumers.The invention of the personal computer allowed individuals to access academic libraries and newspapers/ magazines via the internet (Slaughter, 2010) and (eventually) to communicate with other users, subject to a web connection. A tablet computer allows access to a wealth of information. A search engine acts as a filter to any subject; this enables appropriate content to be accessed. The rising popularity of internet-enabled phones, results in thousands more opportunities to access and create data being pened up. This technology enables knowledge to be shared and democratised – no longer resting with a narrow elite (Slaughter, 2010).The tablet computer incorporates a camera to allow for the quick transfer of photographs and videos around the world. The camera can challenge and record human behaviours: this ability to provide a contemporaneous record of human behaviour has resulted in the power of Governments to dictate the historical record of events being publicly challenged. Early computers also helped plot the course to the moon of the Apollo 11 flights in 1969. (Taylor, 2013). A Piece of Rock from the Moon Moon rocks are of various shapes and sizes and â€Å"range in age from about 3. billion years up to about 4. 5 billion years old† (Museumwales, 2009). A wealth of previously unknown knowledge has been gained from studying these rocks, they have â€Å"been of great value in advancing our understanding of the Moon and the history of our solar system† (Astro. washington, 2009). Scientists believe that earth rocks and moon rocks were once e ither part of the same body or were originally combined before they were formed (Natural history museum, nd). On religious grounds, this could challenge raditional views on God's formation of the earth.Moon rocks can be exhibited on their own as artworks – as natural art that reflect the universe in a microcosmic form in accordance with the Chinese tradition of the Philosopher Stones (BBC News, 2012). Moon rocks are priceless due to their scarcity, given the high cost of returning to the Moon to obtain more. In conclusion, the Cabinet symbolises the startling possibilities of human potential and the evolution of knowledge. The discovery of DNA and the creation of the Electron Microscope enabled, in their turn, turtner discoveries and developments to ake place. Conversely, the collection of seed samples allows for the preservation of what currently exists. 0 The tablet computer encapsulates the democratisation of knowledge, through ever-increasing access to data. 0 The moon ro cks represent the ambition to move beyond the world and the infinite possibilities of exploring and understanding our universe. 0The Cabinet is designed to inspire awe in the observer through the display of symbols of the technological and scientific progress that has led to a better understanding of our world and beyond.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Spell Exclamations of Laughter

How to Spell Exclamations of Laughter How to Spell Exclamations of Laughter How to Spell Exclamations of Laughter By Mark Nichol How does one spell the sound of an eruption of laughter? It depends on the species of mirth, and the list below offers suggestions based on such subtleties. Whether one seeks to indicate a character’s laughter in the manuscript of a novel or short story or to indicate actual or conjectural laughter in nonfiction, consider these guidelines. The basic expression of laughter is ha, though this onomatopoeic word can also express derision, especially when followed by an exclamation point, so writers should take care to provide context to clarify whether the word indicates amusement or ridicule. The former is more likely to be expressed with ha-ha (also styled â€Å"ha ha† or haha, though, as with many reduplicative terms, hyphenation is recommended). Greater dedication to expressing amusement is demonstrated by ha-ha-ha and so forth, though eventually, with enough reduplication, derangement is implied. Meanwhile, heh, or heh-heh, suggests pointedly mild amusement, or a suggestion of mischievous or smirking, sniggering, or lascivious amusement, so, again, context is helpful. He-he-he, or tee-hee (or tee-hee-hee) also imply mischief, though the implication is that the laughter is high pitched, and the humor is juvenile. Bwah-hah-hah, or mwah-hah-hah, is imitative of a comic book villain’s triumphant eruption of malicious laughter when overcoming the hero and is generally used facetiously to imply that one’s evil machinations have borne fruit. Ho-ho-ho, the form of expression employed by Santa Claus to express Christmas cheer in popular culture, suggests a full-bodied mirth, while hoo-hoo is indicative of obnoxious delight at, for example, being found to be right about something or having caught someone in a lie or transgression. Yuk-yuk-yuk (or, imitative of Curly of the Three Stooges, nyuk-nyuk-nyuk) suggests impish delight, though using the word yuks to refer to laughter suggests sarcasm or at best a comment on how something is not really that amusing. Derived from the Internet-speak acronym for â€Å"laugh out loud,† lol (or LOL) is rarely used as an expression in dialogue or within a quotation, though it may be uttered in conjunction with derisive eye-rolling. (The variations lolz and lulz may express scorn as well.) Many of these terms are ambiguous, so, as stated above, aid the reader with contextual clues to, for example, clarify whether the expression of humor is sincere or sarcastic. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureEnglish Grammar 101: Verb Mood10 Humorous, Derisive, or Slang Synonyms for â€Å"Leader† or â€Å"Official†

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Questioning The Rules Of Life And Poverty

Questioning the Rules of Life and Poverty The English author and early feminist Virginia Woolf said, â€Å"Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.† Writer’s Nikos Kazantzakis and Frank McCourt employ this in their texts, â€Å"The Isle of Aphrodite† and â€Å"Limerick Homecoming.† These writings draw from each author’s own experiences and offer a comprehensive look into their minds, revealing their world views, as realistic as they may or may not be. It is difficult to critique these writer’s views, being everyone adjusts the ways in which they deal with life to fit their own experiences, but when looked at on a broad scale it can be said that both realistic and important views can be drawn from each author’s respective essay. In his essay, â€Å"The Isle of Aphrodite,† Kazantzakis writes of questioning rules and figuring out things for oneself. Kazantzakis begins by drawing readers into his world and thoughts as his essay unfolds with descriptive images of Cyprus, the native land of Aphrodite. The author often floats back and forth between images and ideas and in the second paragraph of his text reveals his first idea, â€Å"Thought is an effort that goes contrary to the direction of life. The lifting of the soul, the vigilance of the mind, the charge toward the heights, all are the great ancestral sins against the will of God† (Kazantzakis 439). In saying this, Kazantzakis is asking why do we think so much about everything? He believes that we spend so much time thinking and making rules that it slows down the flow of our life. Too much thought is contrary to the way God wanted people to live their lives. In the above quote Kazantzakis is actually suggesting that creating rules is sinful. As his journey continues he offers many other ideas for readers to consider about conformity in life. Kazantzakis goes on to address thoughts as forces again... Free Essays on Questioning The Rules Of Life And Poverty Free Essays on Questioning The Rules Of Life And Poverty Questioning the Rules of Life and Poverty The English author and early feminist Virginia Woolf said, â€Å"Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.† Writer’s Nikos Kazantzakis and Frank McCourt employ this in their texts, â€Å"The Isle of Aphrodite† and â€Å"Limerick Homecoming.† These writings draw from each author’s own experiences and offer a comprehensive look into their minds, revealing their world views, as realistic as they may or may not be. It is difficult to critique these writer’s views, being everyone adjusts the ways in which they deal with life to fit their own experiences, but when looked at on a broad scale it can be said that both realistic and important views can be drawn from each author’s respective essay. In his essay, â€Å"The Isle of Aphrodite,† Kazantzakis writes of questioning rules and figuring out things for oneself. Kazantzakis begins by drawing readers into his world and thoughts as his essay unfolds with descriptive images of Cyprus, the native land of Aphrodite. The author often floats back and forth between images and ideas and in the second paragraph of his text reveals his first idea, â€Å"Thought is an effort that goes contrary to the direction of life. The lifting of the soul, the vigilance of the mind, the charge toward the heights, all are the great ancestral sins against the will of God† (Kazantzakis 439). In saying this, Kazantzakis is asking why do we think so much about everything? He believes that we spend so much time thinking and making rules that it slows down the flow of our life. Too much thought is contrary to the way God wanted people to live their lives. In the above quote Kazantzakis is actually suggesting that creating rules is sinful. As his journey continues he offers many other ideas for readers to consider about conformity in life. Kazantzakis goes on to address thoughts as forces again...

Monday, November 4, 2019

European Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

European Business - Essay Example Factors that can be held responsible for the current account deficit are noted below: Deficit in goods – Due to de-industrialisation, the UK has had a very large deficit of goods. Besides being a manufacturer of goods, the UK has increasingly become an importer of manufactured commodities such as, clothes, computers and cars. The UK is also an importer of food and oil. The surplus in service partly offsets the deficit in goods, but is not sufficient in order to overcome the trade deficit. Relatively low rate of saving – Individuals residing the UK has a relatively low rate of saving as compared to that of other countries. Then again, despite a rise in the saving rate, deterioration in the current account could not be prevented. High consumer spending – A rapid growth in consumer spending leads to an increase in imports, which in turn adversely affects the current account. During a boom in the economy, the saving rate appears to fall, unlike consumer spending, which increases and leads to a current account deficit (Economics.Help, 2014). It is the value of one country’s currency in terms of another, indicating the rate at which a currency can be exchanged for another. The balance of payments model states that the foreign exchange rates are at an equilibrium level if the current account balance is stable. Reduction in foreign exchange reserves occurs due to a trade deficit, which ultimately depreciates the currency. In case of undervaluation of a currency, the country’s exports are rendered affordable and imports expensive. TOT reflects the amount of exports needed to be sold in order to purchase imports. There is an improvement in the terms of trade if the price of exports increases and vice-versa. A prolonged decline in the terms of trade reduces the standard of living. On the other hand, an improvement in the terms of