Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example The author is emphasizing on heritage and African traditions and that Dee and Maggie should follow the traditions that they were raised with. "Everyday Use" is a true representation of motherhood anxiety in the instance where the mother favors Maggie for being loyal and willing to extend the family generation to her children as compared to Dee who sees no sense in traditions. According to Tuhen, there is a representation of maternal fear that Dee will not be like the daughter that she always wanted her to be. For example, when the mother lacked money to take them to school, Maggie the younger daughter quit school, while Dee was not for the idea because she emphasized that her education was more important. â€Å"She used to read to us without pity†¦.She washed us in a river of make believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know† (Walker 26). There is motherhood fear where Dee being the eldest, she is expected to take the quilts but since the mother does not believe in her, she gives the quilts to Maggie. This according to the mother is a confirmation that Maggie is more worthy of having the quilts as compared to Dee. Again, this is a symbolic measure that the mother became anxious and empowered Maggie while she was still young. Amanda became troubled as she became the father and mother to her family. She becomes disappointed when she misses a job that she wanted and goes home only to quarrel Laura for not staying in the house because she went out. Amanda also keeps quarrelling with Tom because of table manners, going to the movies too much and smoking. Motherhood anxiety is portrayed where Amanda wants Tom to be whom she wants him to be and not who he wants to become. She wants Tom to be more responsible and at times she treats Tom and Laura like little children by telling them what to do and when to do it. Fear is portrayed when Tom is smoking

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