Friday, August 30, 2019

One Shot Society Essay

As the great Colin Powell said, â€Å"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure. † People’s success in life is determined by their sacrifice and hard work while young. We can go back in time and arrange every error we commit, meaning that we only have one opportunity in life. My essay will talk about the differences between Hondurans and South Koreans in terms of effort, opportunities, demands and expectations. Countries such as South Korea take very seriously the academic part of life in order to succeed in every aspect of it. Since early people grow with this way of life in which giving every inch of effort counts. Parents lead their children with strict habits of studying instead of doing other activities. Society demands youth to get well prepared for life and they have to respond by demonstrating it in their academic life. The results of studying and being dedicated shows when preparing for college. For example, admissions test for college is a day where society paralyzes, because this is crucial, this is the only shot they got to start with the right foot and have a decent life for probably the next 60 years. If people are not enough dedicated, they will have more difficulties in life. Koreans are usually hard working by nature; they don’t need to be told what to do, they work for it and at the end everything pays. On the other hand we have Honduras, a poor country where society has low demands on individuals; A country where goods are not fairly distributed. Not everyone in the country has opportunities to succeed, if people do not have money, even if they have the desire of giving everything in academics, opportunities do not present. Public education is very poor. Only the social class that can pay has a fair higher education. Academics is not something primary and society’s demand are not so harsh on young people. Even if youth doesn’t have a fine education after high school they can probably find a way out and earn money and because of this reasons not every student gives all their effort. Opportunities present to the ones who know wealthy people and government figures. The majority of Hondurans are not hard working people and society doesn’t give that much opportunities. These two countries are very different in almost every aspect but have similarities on a few. South Korea is a rich powerful country where every kid has to be very dedicated to their studies in order to succeed, young people usually study until 4 and then go with tutors, and meanwhile few Honduran kids are dedicated because of the poor society demands. Schools end about 2 or 3, then do a couple of homework and that’s it. 00% of South Korean parents want their children to get to college, while not every Honduran parent sees college as a mandatory thing to do. The level of work in South Korea surpasses Honduran one and the results show in the evolution as a society and as a country. The little similarity between these two countries is that not so much work opportunities are presented for people who study, making it hard for some people to succeed. In conclusion people should take advantage of that one shot life gives us even if we are in different countries.  To make a difference and overcome difficulties people have to be hard workers to demonstrate society our capacities and accomplish our life goal, which I think for the most is having a wealthy life. Rich countries such as South Korea evolve because of their work, even if this means doing sacrifices and passing through lots of stress. At the end results will show and society will grow. â€Å"Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today†.

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