Saturday, September 7, 2019

Environment Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environment - Lab Report Example Nonetheless, the soil experiment in this essay aimed at analyzing or testing two different types of soils based on the characteristics including texture, color, and levels of pH or the acidity, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen as well as Potassium. Two different soil samples were to be obtained from different sites including soil sample collected from flat land covered by grass (Sample ID: NAltarki-2) and soil sample collect away from any environmental barrier (Sample ID: NAltarki-1). The collected data are to be subjected to the same soil testing with the sample parameters including texture, color, and levels of pH, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Potassium. Difference in quantities of these parameters will be a clear indication that soil samples obtained from different environmental setting usually have different physical and chemical properties. Two different soil samples from different environmental settings were collected for the experiment. From the data provided in tables above (1 and 2), there are clear indication that these two soil samples have different physical and chemical properties. For the physical properties, these samples have different textures; thus, they are identified as different soil types. For perfect comparisons, the two data tables can be merged into one. From the table 3 below, sample one test to be Silky Clay loam while sample two was sandy loam in texture. For the color sample one showed 4 and 2 while sample two indicated 3 and 2 on the soil color value and soil color Chroma respectively. From the soil color sheet, both sample indicated they were within the same year range of 10 years. The chemical properties of these samples are related to the amounts of pH, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and potassium. Notably, with the same chemical properties, both samples had the same pH, Nitrogen, and Potassium values that were at 7, L, and H respectively. However, these samples had different phosphorus contents with sample one recording L levels while

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