Friday, September 13, 2019

Public administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public administration - Essay Example losed down model initiates order and security, therefore it can be said that all such organizations that spring up to nonconventional activities should go through rigorous approval processes and should comply with all the legal norms. Also, the responsible authorities should keep vigil over all the activities that take place in such organizations. In that way, the unfortunate deaths of two men and hospitalisation of other ten could have been avoided. The open model presumes that the discipline should not be imposed from top and this model advocates the self actualisation needs of the people. Referring to the concerned newspaper report, it might be presumed that the experiment by the doctor with drugs was more of an open model system but the fact remains that it also led to untimely death of people. As per the closed model, public organizations are viewed higher in importance than any other organization. It presumes that the society should be directed by public organizations. But the open model presumes that all the organizations are same as the objectives of society and the non-public organizations can not be very different. The newspaper report suggests that the people have very sarcastic view towards the organization of a nursing home. The organizational knowledge of a nursing home make people feel that one is bound to stay at the hospital and once one stays at hospital for more than a longer period like six or more months, it is almost certain that the person can not leave the hospital for ever. It can also be inferred that the organizational worth of any nursing home is minimum and one stays at nursing home only if he is compelled. The decision making in organizations have changed rapidly. Considering the decision making ability of Medicaid, it can be said that the organization has institutional bias for nursing homes for the poor and the needy. But off-late the same organization helped out lot many people out of the nursing homes to their respective homes

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