Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How has voting become less valuable as we have expanded the suffrage Essay

How has voting become less valuable as we have expanded the suffrage of our citizens - Essay Example 14th Amendment was passed in 1868 declaring all those who reside in US or being born in US as citizens of US. 15th Amendment was passed in 1870 against any kind of discrimination such as color, race or ancestral status. 17th Amendment was passed for direct elections of senators of US. 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 against discrimination on the basis of gender and 26th Amendment was passed in 1971 against discrimination on the basis of age above eighteen years. All the passed and stated amendments prove that enough suffrage has been provided to the nationals of US but with expansion of suffrage, people have shown less interest towards voting. People do not vote because they feel no change in their day-to-day lives as to whatever happens in politics. They consider their participation as invalid and valueless. People fought for their rights to vote to see some transformation in their lives that is beneficial for them. When they saw no change, their interest in voting got lessened in spite of the suffrage. Expanded suffrage has only informed people about their rights but in actuality, no practical rights were given as people are deprived of their rights due to which, they consider voting less valuable. People also try to avoid politics and remain busy in their own activities due to which, they show lacking interest towards

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