Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the journey throughou essays

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the journey throughou essays Journey is a word that can be used to describe a physical travel, a switch from different mental states, or even a change in personality. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, journey is used in all these contexts. The theme of journey is evident and is significant throughout the novel. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of journey is The act of traveling from one place to another. [. . .] A process or course likened to traveling; a passage: the journey of life. Plots like the one in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are characteristics of a special type of novel, the picaresque novel. This particular form of the roman adventures may be defined as The prose autobiography of a real or fictitious personage who describes his experiences as a social parasite, and who satirizes the society which he has exploited. (Picaresque Novel) The 1911 Edition Encyclopedia, April 7, 2004 1911encyclopedia.org. There is no doubt that Mark Twain borrowed from the traditions of the picaresque novel, especially from Don Quixote. Consequently, a series of physical journeys occur in the novel. One example of a physical journey is Hucks move from the sivilized Widow Douglas house in the community to the unclean, uncivilized home setting of Hucks father, Pap. So he watched out for me one day in the spring, and catched me, and took me up the river about three mile in a skiff, and crossed over to the Illinois shore where it was woody and there warn't no houses but an old log hut in a place where the timber was so thick you couldn't find it if you didn't know where it was. (Huckleberry Finn, 18). Another physical journey in the novel is Huck and Jims traveling from Hannibal, Missouri to Pikesville, Arkansas. The reader is taken on a tumultuous journey from Hannibal, Missouri to Pikesville, Arkansas that gives as much attention to th...

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