Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Issues in Divorce Essay - 2330 Words

During the Medieval times, when the Catholic Church was as influential as it has ever been, marriages very rarely ended up in divorce. There were many married couples who would end up separated and live apart, but due to the rules of many religions, very few actually went through and became divorced. In present times, things are very different. Divorce rates have continued to climb through the centuries as religion has had less of a pull on people’s lives. More and more couples have entered into marriages that simply could not last for the long-term. This can be due to many different factors, including more relaxed divorce laws, women having more of a say in family matters than they did in the past, and changes in society’s acceptance†¦show more content†¦These numbers are very different from what they would have looked like only a hundred years ago. One thing that has not changed though is that religions continue to treat divorce very different from one another. The majority of Christian denominations treat divorce in a mostly negative manner, though many of them differ in the actual way they treat it. The Roman Catholic Church will not allow a married couple to become divorced and also will not allow anyone who was previously in a marriage that ended in divorce to remarry (Lehmkuhl, 1909). This is because the Catholic Church considers all consummated marriages to be a life-long union that cannot be broken. It also allows for marriages to become annulled as long as the couple has not yet consummated their marriage (Lehmkuhl, 1909). Other Christian Churches such as the Eastern Orthodox Church are more lenient towards couples seeking a divorce than the Catholic Church in that it will allow couples to get a divorce and also permits people to remarry after already having been divorced (â€Å"Marriage In The†, 2010). Similarly, most Protestant Churches will also allow divorces as well as remarriage after divorce (â€Å"Comp arison Table Between†, 2010). Despite this, these Churches still do not have a very positive view towards divorce and certainly prefer for it not to happen. Religions other than Christianity also have differing views on divorce. Judaism is much more accepting of divorce than most Christian ChurchesShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Divorce And Divorce Essay1672 Words   |  7 PagesIt is common gossip that half of marriages end in divorce. But this gossip is more true than most would assume. One in every one hundred marriages in North Carolina as well as a genuine half of marriages across the United States end in divorce and, according to Jennifer Lansford, â€Å"50% of American children will experience their parents’ divorce† (140). 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