Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Depression In The 1930S Ultimately Began Due

The Great Depression in the 1930s ultimately began due to the economy in the past decade. The Roaring Twenties was a decade filled with underground bars, voiding prohibition, jazz music, and elegance. People made their own rules and created their own fashion. October 29th, 1929, also known as â€Å"Black Tuesday† is the day that the roaring twenties ended with a screeching halt. This decade had been a haven for the stock markets. Black Tuesday occurred just after the day that the sellers traded in their stocks due to the panic of the falling market The name they gave this day was â€Å"Black Thursday†. After these dark days in America, the stock markets had officially crashed and sent America’s economy plunging down the drain. The Wall†¦show more content†¦African American’s incomes and wages were at the bottom of the scale, and they faced continuous discrimination in finding jobs and relief. Not only was race an issue, gender started to play a role in society as well. What had been a predominantly white, male enclave was poised to become a mixed-gender workplace as young women were recruited into the labor force in ever increasing numbers. In the 1920’s women accounted for more than 50% of all textile workers; in clothing more 90%; in tobacco more than 80%; and in paper manufacturing and printing almost 45% of the workforce. Women’s wages were low alike the African Americans. When money became scarce, purchasing clothes was out of the question. Dresses began to be made from chicken feed bags. This had an effect on gender because women had been living in lavish for a decade and they were now forced to make use of every item that had, although, their resourcefulness was much to their benefit. The Great Depression started to affect school systems and children throughout the world. In Norfolk, William Robinson, recalled the nearly starving black children around Suffolk who were not going to school because they had no clothes and who were without medical services. The lack of clothing and medical care soon became an affect that the Great Depression had on race. African Americans were the first to go without food, clothes, and education. NorfolkShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The 1930s Essay1689 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal Crisis of 2008 in Comparison to the Great Depression of the 1930s Introduction The economic crisis’ of the 1930s and 2000s greatly impacted the United Sates (U.S) and the world. The Great Depression and Global Crisis were both major economic crisis’s the originated in the United States and spread to foreign markets around the world. The Great Depression is regarded as the biggest economic downturn, due to many factors like the stock market crash. 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